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Francehotelreservation: 法国网上定旅馆(要收手续费)
hotelboulevard: 法国网上定旅馆
Paris cheap hostels: 几间PARIS比较便宜的HOSTEL
UK YHA/ International YHA/ IBN SYSTEM(Online booking YHA around the world)
A cheap hostel in Paris: 14 Euro/night/person
USIT:book hostels online
travelweb: hotel & fligh reservation
Rent a hostel in Irish and Scotland: Scotland and Irish Hostel
网上订旅馆的基本流程:在他们的网站找到合适的旅馆,填好网页上的订房表格发出。如果有空房,他们会回email告诉你确定的时间和价格(和网站上列出的有些差异),你会email确认。你需要提供信用卡号码 ,如果你canceal得太晚,他们可能会charge 你一天的租金。仔细阅读terms,有的网站会收手续费。


Thetrainline: Book UK railway tickets
railtrack: Book UK railway tickets, Timetables
traveleurop: All the links about trains and metros in Europe
DB travelAll Europe Train Timetable
Raileurope: Kinds of euro pass & brief introduction(destinations,metro,hotels)about the European cities
sncf: 查询法国火车时刻表
gobycoach: Euroline, National Express, Airbus等汽车时刻表
The European Railway Server; All the European trasportation companies
RATP: Paris Transportaion (train&metro)&travel guide
Inter rail: Inter rail tickets and related things
Inter-railInter rail tickets, timetable, YHA
Rail pass: All passes (european, national, regional...)
Ryanair: 最便宜的欧洲flight
Rail pass expert: rail passes
Euro railways: Eurail, Euripass, British rail etc.


STA: brief introduction about the destination & Insurance & book hotels/flights etc.
virtualtourist Everything about travel
lonelyplanetTravel books and destinations
USIT Now(ISIC): Everything about travel, especially for students
Switzerland: Everything about travel in Switzerland
欧洲万象: 部分欧洲国家详细中文旅游指南
Britain Express: all source of travel in UK
Currency Exchange 计算汇率
LinkChinese: Linkchinese的出国签证指南 Linkchinese的旅游论坛 英华随笔:欧洲游记
FCO: travel tips,country advice & travel news for all countries
Discounts: lots of discount websites in hotel, flights etc.
Travel: all about travel around world
Priceline: lots of discount in hotel, flight,rent cars etc.
Backpacker Tips: all kinds of tips for backpacker from other backpackers
Switzerland golden pass: Advices about hotel, transport,itinerary in switzerland
Netherland/Holland: goverment information about travel in holland
Map: maps
Backpackers: backpackers in Europe:hostels, transportation, tips etc.
Paris: Travel in Paris, org.
timeout: destination,moneys, hotels internets and transportation etc.
Greece: travel at greece







本版部分内容摘自各网站,如有侵权,请即通知本人。 Bowie_yam@yahoo.com