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青年旅馆 YHA

青年旅馆the youth hostels是专门为自助旅游者backpackers提供住处的地方, 当然普遍是年轻人, 但多大年龄并不是必要的条件,. 许多情况下, 价钱包括了早餐, 所以,毫无疑问是旅游中最经济实惠的住宿选择.
YHA中有双人房,三人,四人,或六人房,甚至更加大的大通铺(象AMSTERDAM). 有的时候,床单的价钱会包括在总价中,如果不包括的话,则要另外租, 所以多数backpacker都会自带sleep sack. 部分YHA在市中心,否则的话,你也可以在山中,滑雪胜地,海滩,湖边等风景优美的地方找到.
入住YHA, 你必须有他的会员卡MEMBERSHIP CARD, 期限是一年, 可以在任何一家的YHA办.卡分几种,SINGLE(UNDER 26/ABOVE 26), GROUPS, FAMILIES.
一下推荐几个欧洲城市的YHA. 大多是世界各地的backpacker们推荐的.


Germany has the network of youth hostels most important of the world.
Berlin有三家YHA, 全年24小时开放
Berlin: Between 18 and 25 euros (11.3-16GBP), with breakfast and sheets including. 可以通过YHA 的 IBN系统reserve.
JGH a.m. Wannsee: Between 17 and 21 euros(11-13.2GBP), with breakfast and sheets, IBN
email: jh-wannsee@jugendherberge.de
JH Ernst Reuter: Between 14 and 18 euros (8.8-11.5BBP)
email: jh-ernst-reuter@jugendherberge.de
有两家HOSTEL, 都有IBN系统, 大概 15 euros(9.5GBP) , with breakfast and sheets
Neuhausen: Cosmopolitan hostel located and communicated, 除12月份不开放外,其他时间全天 24 小时开放.He is very great, with laundry, slogans, without kitchens, but with dining room.
email: jhmuenchen@djh-bayern.de
Thalkirchen: 邻近地铁tube, 比上面的要离市中心远很多. 所有service都有.
email: jghmuenchen@dhh-bayern.de
· Frankfurt
Close in Christmas. email:jugendherberge_Frankfurt@t-online.de
· Hamburg
2间hostels,IBN system, 27 marks (6.5GBP), closed in Christmas
Auf dem Stintfang:


The Swiss hostels are between the best ones of Europe. If you try to go near a ski resort in season, is necessary to reserve.
Modern hostel for a very showy city, 28 francs Swiss (12GBP) ,IBN, breakfast and sheets including, A bus leaves you together the shelter from the central station.
Interlaken is a precious city between two mountains, that the pain deserves to visit it, single for occurring swim in the lakes (in summer, of course), with a permanent glacier, and impressive views of the Alps. The hostel is not very expensive, and the rooms are in plan large cabin. Reserve if you do not have thought to arrive at first hour
Centric hostel next to a swimming pool, a little hidden after hills, very modern, and of the best ones than we have visited. It admits reserves with system IBN
From 28.5 francs Swiss(12.5p), with sheets, breakfast, and rooms of six beds, a little moved away the train and the center. It admits reserve with IBN


In Vienna there are a pile of hostels and residences throughout the city, and it is not worth the trouble to reserve nothing from house. When you arrive at the station, go to the tourism office, ask for a map, and that they indicate to you where they are the shelters. If you arrive in the morning at first hour, you must not have problems to find site, and to look for it near the ring that concentrates all the imperial part of the city
In Salzburgo there are several shelters too, and you must not either have lodging problems. There is a enough hostel near the station, which now we do not have information, that he is quite economic, the reception at the bar...
Here no longer there is as much lodging. The hostel cost about 15 euros(9.5P), with breakfast and sheets, although a little separated.


Cité des Sciences: 17,5 euros(11GBP) IBN
Le Dártagnan: 17,35 euros,(11P) IBN
Clichy: 17,3 euros, IBN

HOLAND/ Netherland

Vondelpark : 16 euros,(10P)
Stadsdoelen: IBN,


Bruegel: 10-20 euros (6.3-12.5p), email del albergue
Jacques Brel: 10-20 euros, IBN, email del albergue
10,5 - 14 euros (6.6-8.8P)






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